Writing from the heart

Writing and the heart are so intrinsically linked and entwined.

Words have the extraordinary power to conjure up a whole bag of emotions: love, happiness, sadness, anger. 

We feel words deep within our heart; in our soul. 

They captivate us and enthral us. 

They can stop us dead in our tracks; spur us into action; knock us off our feet; bring tears to our eyes; and evoke uncontrollable laughter. 

Words can transform lives - by writing them and reading them. 

They are earnest messages from one heart to another. 

That's why, in the world of copywriting, words can have such a profound impact and influence. 

However, writing from the heart can feel challenging, especially amidst the noise and distractions of our minds. But it's important we allow those words to flow through us freely, from our hearts and onto paper - or our keypads or keyboards.

So, the next time you write something, let your heart guide the way. Write what comes up first; write without inhibition. It can always be refined and edited afterwards. 

You never know whose heart it will reach.

Happy Valentine's Day, folks!